Five days after the attack: 41% of participants reported peritraumatic distress and 19% reported experiencing anxiety   A new ...
A young man with “narcissistic tendencies” who posed as a nurse and administered tests to a patient at the Royal Adelaide ...
This story contains sexual content. Psychology Prof. Michael Bailey has dipped in and out of the spotlight for his controversial research and teaching methods for more than two decades. But two years ...
It's not that you don't have memories from infancy — it's that you simply can't access them later in life, new research shows ...
Researchers discover how infants encode memories in groundbreaking fMRI study, revealing why we can't remember our earliest ...
New research suggests that when people are hungry, they focus more on the tastiness of food and tend to ignore nutritional ...
A groundbreaking new study of young people's digital media use has revealed surprising results, including evidence that smartphone ownership may actually benefit children.
Positive psychology was developed to counter psychology’s focus on “the bad stuff.” Positive psychology studies psychosocial ...
Even people who have been diagnosed don’t always spot inaccuracies or generalizations about the condition in the social media ...
People generally try to make other people feel good about themselves, but not when they dislike them. That's the finding of a ...
Researchers also find that depression played a particularly significant role in linking poor sleep to increased belief in ...
People who believe they’ve been forgiven by God may be more likely to forgive themselves after hurting someone—but this ...