How much it would raise: Once fully implemented, the state would raise more than $200 million per year, by taking a 20% cut ...
Protect your home's affordability and long-term stability by ensuring you are eligible for tax credits, home repair assistance, and estate planning.
Lea Uradu, J.D., is a Maryland state registered tax preparer ... Justin Sullivan / Getty Images A tax sale is when real estate is sold due to unpaid property taxes. When a taxpayer reaches ...
Mayor Brandon Scott’s sales tax proposal isn’t going to fix Baltimore’s onerous property taxes, writesK. Walters.
Maryland Senate President Bill Ferguson is pessimistic about the chances of granting Baltimore leaders’ plea to let the city ...
Mayor Brandon Scott’s office is sending mixed signals regarding a new standalone 2% city sales tax proposal, as a senior city ...
Lawmakers heard testimony Tuesday on a proposal that would add a 2% sales tax in part of Maryland on top of the state's 6% ...
Maryland Gov. Wes Moore has announced an agreement on a state budget framework with the state’s Democratic leadership ...