Live' took on an explosive White House meeting with Marco Rubio, featuring Mike Myers as Elon Musk, channeling Dr. Evil.
His original characters, unfortunately, had the bad habit of being more annoying than funny — see the Whiners and Paulie Herman. After SNL, Piscopo dreamed of buddy comedies with pal Eddie Murphy.
Do you know what sports fans hate more than NCAA Tournament injustice? A gasbag governor grandstanding to his political base.
After the bungled meeting between Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, it was inevitable that Saturday Night Live would take ... Trek” outfit to whining that the Ukrainian ...
Saturday Night Live wasted no time lampooning the tense ... Bowen Yang’s JD Vance took the absurdity up a notch, whining about the lack of compliments. “You didn’t say anything about us ...
“Saturday Night Live” again looked back at the week in ... In voiceover, Myers’ Musk channeled Dr. Evil, whining that “A lot of people seem to really hate me. My Tesla stock is crashing ...
This is just a whole lot of whining on behalf of a basketball team ... in the state of West Virginia, instead of on the SNL set where it belonged.
Now comes the ESPN Baseball Farewell Tour, which could rival the "Saturday Night Live" 50th anniversary show ... and what they want is more cowhide. Instead of whining, MLB should just thank ...