In “Helen of Troy, 1993,” the poet Maria Zoccola relocates a figure from Greek mythology into small-town Tennessee.
With British skiers increasingly opting for trips that fit into a long weekend, Chamonix is coming out on top thanks to it’s ...
After nearly a century of continuity, it's no wonder that the DC Universe is littered with retcons, but some of DC's retcons ...
Tristan Lavalette is a reporter who covers cricket, focusing on the business and politics of the sport, while also investigating its development in the U.S. He’s reported on the sport since 2012 ...
You might remember Tristan Spohn from his brief appearance as one of the test subjects at the lab in Hawkins. Unfortunately for Spohn, his character was killed off and he met quite the grisly end ...
His name means “Fair Haired” in Old Irish. Finvarra is also the King of the Daoine Sidhe, a race of deities in Irish mythology, and is sometimes described as the King of the Dead. His home is ...
Credit: Public domain A British university has issued a trigger warning to undergraduate students studying Greek mythology, advising them to reach out to support services should they find the material ...
There's one police cell and one police officer on the island of Tristan da Cunha. And that's just plenty. After all, it's not like anyone can escape - it's the world's most remote inhabited island ...
IMAGINE being so far removed from civilisation that ordering Christmas gifts means planning half a year in advance. With the nearest town more than 1,500 miles away, the only link to the outside ...
Bellerophon and the Chimera By Unknown artist. Credit: Marsyas (2005), CC BY-SA 2.5 Greek mythology is famous for its many mythical creatures, which feature widely at pivotal moments in Greek myths ...
All Creatures Great and Small delivered an early Christmas present for fans – specifically the Tristan Farnon fan club – in tonight's festive special, when it was revealed that the character ...