A vote on a high end housing project at a former golf course has been delayed again as the developer has made some ...
A vote on a high end housing project at a former golf course has been delayed again as the developer has made some ...
Karl Hinger, a 30-year-old Brookfield Republican who plans to run for first selectman, said limiting large-scale development ...
River have enough parking? A report, expected in the next few weeks, will help determine the city's future downtown parking ...
The Zoning Board of Appeals voted its conditional approval of a 40-unit Chapter 40B housing development planned for 85 Brick ...
WINCHESTER - Dorothy Simboli, a 25-year Winchester resident, is running for a seat on the Select Board in hopes of using her ...
Voters will decide among Dawn Abernathy, Trustee Jesus Garena, Janet Gibson, former Trustee Vaseem Iftekhar, Trustee Torrie Mark Newsome, Riaz Yussef and Francine Zodda, who will sit on the board ...
KALAMAZOO, MI — A sprawling paper mill near downtown Kalamazoo is planning to build a new warehouse and parking lot, the ...
Site work related to construction of a five-story, mixed-use building at the corner of Amity Street and University Drive is ...
Carbone's Pizza is making a special delivery to the Buffalo Planning Board on Monday, as owner Anthony Carbone and Sutton ...
■Three Northampton High School seniors have been named finalists in the 1974 Merit Scholarship program. Judy Cohen, Jennifer ...
As a member of the Holly Hill Planning Commission at a time when developers were lining up to build new housing subdivisions, ...