Congress is now moving full steam ahead on a short-term government funding bill after Democrats and Republicans reached a ...
Congress enters its final scheduled week of work before the November elections with a plan to avoid a government shutdown ...
The House is expected to vote on the funding extension, known as a continuing resolution or CR, on Wednesday. The Senate will ...
The House and Senate will vote on the deal this week. It is expected to pass and be signed by President Biden.
Congress must find a path forward on federal funding this week or risk a partial government shutdown just five weeks before ...
The bill ties the continued funding of the federal government to the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE Act), a ...
The announcement comes after the House voted 202-222 last week against a spending plan through the end of March and also ...
The agreement announced Sunday averts a possible partial government shutdown when the new budget year begins Oct. 1 and ...
"I do feel very confident that we will pass a short term continuing resolution, pass it through the end of the calendar year, ...
House leaders unveiled on Sunday their new legislation to avert a shutdown at the end of the month and fund the government ...
The clock is ticking toward a September 30 deadline to fund the government, and even with a possible deal to avert a lapse in ...