As audio cut out during the mega hit at the March 14 concert, the band's fans at NRG Stadium were left hanging ...
Fans at NRG Stadium continued belting the hit after the rockers' audio cut out, but the band never returned to the stage.
Journey abruptly canceled a March 14 concert in Houston mid-song during hit 'Don’t Stop Believin’ after a reported electrical ...
The concert by the band Journey at the Houston Rodeo was abruptly interrupted by a fire, but the fans took matters into their ...
The band were playing as part of the RodeoHouston event at the NRG Stadium. They were four songs in and had just started ...
Arena band Journey abruptly stopped a concert Friday evening at the Houston Rodeo mid-song, but the crowd kept the show going. The band was performing its 1981 hit "Don’t Stop Believin’" when ...
Video from the performance shows singer Arnel Pineda and guitarist Neal Schon singing the lines “A singer in a smoky room / ...
RodeoHouston officials say everything will go as planned on Saturday after an electrical issue cut the performance of rock band Journey short.
They were four songs in and had just started playing the signature anthem Don’t Stop Believin' when the sound was suddenly cut. Fans kept on singing, believing that the halt in proceedings was ...