The date for the Kiribati presidential - or beretitenti - vote has been set for 25 October. Notices were published by ...
Troops from US allies, including Taiwan, have been training at Michigan’s Camp Grayling, a former US diplomat told US ...
Joseph Cella, a former ambassador to Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Tonga and Tuvalu, made the claim during a congressional hearing ...
Within 30 years, sea levels will rise at least 15 centimeters on several Pacific island nations, regardless of what cuts are ...
Scientists predict a dramatic increase in flooding events, with some islands facing up to 65 annual flood days by the 2050s.
Under a business-as-usual scenario, Tuvalu could face sea levels rising 27cm and 30cm under a worst-case scenario. The low-lying archipelago has a mean elevation of just 2m above sea level and two of ...
Region faces growing threats to economic viability, even existence; one billion people in low-lying areas vulnerable to storm ...
From next year, Australia will start offering natural-disaster-hit countries the chance to pause debt repayments in a bid to ...
NASA predicts an 8-inch sea level rise by 2050, affecting Pacific island nations. Flood risks will grow annually.
Pacific Island nations such as Tuvalu, Kiribati and Fiji will experience at least 20 centimetres of sea level rise in the ...
Pacific Island nations such as Tuvalu, Kiribati, and Fiji will experience at least 8 inches (15 centimeters) of sea level ...