Switching from coal to gas has made us vulnerable to cold weather blackouts. We need a program to address and cure this ...
Daniel R. Simmons is an expert in climate change and environmental policy at the state level. He is director of state affairs at the Institute for Energy Research (IER). In that role, he monitors ...
Visualize for a moment: you walk into a hospital with a minor scrape, and instead of the doctor reaching for a Band-Aid, he hands you a clipboard. You are confused until he says, ‘You will need to ...
David Legates, Ph.D. is professor of climatology in the Department of Geography at the University of Delaware and an adjunct professor at the university’s Physical Ocean Science and Engineering ...
Director, Center for Energy Competitiveness for the Caesar Rodney Institute Dave has spent the last six years as the Director of the Center for Energy Competitiveness for the Caesar Rodney Institute.
Join us for a hard-hitting discussion with Dr. Sterling Burnett, director of the Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy at The Heartland Institute, as he breaks down the recent Energy ...
David Archibald is a scientist operating in the fields of cancer research, climate science, and oil exploration. In the cancer field, trials on a formulation he invented with professors from Purdue ...
Richard Lindzen, Ph.D. is Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at MIT. He has made major contributions to the development of the current ...
Ivar Giaever is a Norwegian-American physicist who shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1973 with Leo Esaki and Brian Josephson for discoveries regarding tunnelling phenomena in solids. Giaever is an ...
Founder, president and chief executive officer of American Quality Schools Dr. Michael J. Bakalis is founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of American Quality Schools. He also served on the ...
Roman Buhler is the National Director of the Madison Coalition, working to restore a balance of state and federal power and now, with the Resolutions passed in 29 State Legislative Chambers to ...