美銀證券指出,蘋果新 AI 軟體「Apple Intelligence」一旦上市,將有潛力為公司帶來可觀的收益。這項技術預計將帶來「更聰明的 Siri」,幫助用戶編輯和總結電子郵件、生成圖像,並提升 Siri 的實用性。
SYF renews its long-term partnership with DICK'S Sporting Goods, enhancing the ScoreRewards Credit Card program and driving ...
晟德 (4123-TW) 周三 (25 日) 於董事會通過,參與順藥 (6535-TW) 現金增資共新台幣 2.36 億元,且看好其中風新藥發展前景,擬再加碼投資新台幣 4 億元,激勵順藥本周周漲逾 2 成,股價更以 321.5 元創新天價。
美元下跌,美元指數一度跌至逾1年低位的100.15,較早時報100.41,跌約0.2%。 日圓兌美元走強,貨幣政策立場被為鷹派的石破茂,贏得自民黨黨魁選舉,將成為日本下任首相。 日圓兌美元升近2%,報142.12日圓。本周升逾1%。 歐元兌日圓下跌2 ...
行政院昨 (27) 晚發布,自 113 年 10 月 1 日起,將提高居家托育中心督導及訪視輔導員薪資,每人每月調薪 3,000 元,督導薪資提高至 4.1 萬元至 4.6 萬元,訪視輔導員薪資提高至 3.7 萬元至 4.2 萬 ...
Overview of Recent Transaction by Saba Capital Management, L.P. (Trades, Portfolio) On September 26, 2024, Saba Capital ...
LW's Q1 results are likely to reflect the impacts of soft global restaurant traffic and reduced demand for frozen potatoes ...
Investors in Afya Limited AFYA need to pay close attention to the stock based on moves in the options market lately. That is ...
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in California announces Fiscal Year 2025 (October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025) federal assistance opportunities for agricultural producers ...
If you're not sure where to start when looking for the next multi-bagger, there are a few key trends you should keep ...