The collapse of construction giant ISG is "devastating" for the sector and could lead to other firms going under, the boss of ...
Vice President Kamala Harris tried to block Kimberly Guilfoyle—the former prosecutor turned Fox News host turned MAGA beau to ...
Reeves said: “There will be no return to austerity. Conservative austerity was a destructive choice for our public services – ...
BBC Radio 2 listeners were calling for Vernon Kay to be replaced on Monday morning when he turned up to work with such a bad ...
“Everyone along the Florida Panhandle and Big Bend region needs to be prepared for hurricane impacts,” said AccuWeather Lead ...
Cathay Pacific has banned a Hong Kong couple from its flights after their row with a mainland Chinese traveller over her ...
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s apparent surprise that “somehow, a woman” — Democratic rival Kamala Harris — ...
持續追蹤,雙方會引發衝突,是因為 電動機車 被撞倒、維修費被認為太貴,但電動機車維修真的有比較貴嗎,其他修車業者解釋,因為電動車部分零件,必須要整組更換,但全國統一價格,油車的零件比較容易單獨更換,但價格是車行自己制定。
南部中心/洪明生、劉尹淳 屏東報導屏東萬丹鄉有農民,在巡視田間時,發現高屏溪裡有一隻大鱷魚出沒,趕緊通報動保處來抓,先丟了一隻雞當誘餌,接著又用飛鏢射擊水面,費了好一番功夫,花了1個半小時,才終於抓到這隻,全長超過200公分、重達54公斤的凱門眼鏡鱷 ...
John Barrowman has revealed the real reason that he dropped out of Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins after just 32 minutes,. explaining: "I know who John Barrowman is".
日前中國發生一起震驚國際的兇殺案件,深圳一名10歲日本男童18日在上學途中,突然遭到44歲中國籍男子刺殺身亡,而當天正是「918事變」93週年,外界猜測與反日情緒高漲有關。事件曝光後引發日僑圈、日本企業駐中人員人心惶惶,日本企業也不斷提醒員工留意人身 ...
中央氣象署今(23)日針對桃園與新竹地區發布大雷雨特報,提醒民眾注意安全。 氣象署於今日16時35分氣象署發布大雷雨即時訊息,持續時間至17時30分;請慎防劇烈降雨、雷擊,溪(河)水暴漲,坍方、落石、土石流,低窪地區慎防淹水,以及低能見度。