A new study finds "litigant shopping," or choosing plaintiffs with specific demographic attributes, can be used to shape ...
A probable crater stretching more than 370 miles, or 600 kilometers, across the heart of Australia could reshape our ...
Imagine standing on the edge of a new frontier, where waste—something we often view as a problem—becomes the solution. We ...
What if you could hide an image in plain sight—so well that even the most advanced cameras couldn't detect it? Imagine ...
Rivers are important indicators of ecosystem health and the long-term effects of climate change. To better understand how ...
Homicide is a leading cause of death among people 19 and younger in the United States, and firearms are used in a large ...
A team of biologists in China has reprogrammed skin cells from giant pandas into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), ...
Using the Green Bank Telescope (GBT), astronomers have observed a globular cluster known as Terzan 6. They detected a new ...
New research published Sept. 19 in Geophysical Research Letters shows that using data collected by deep ocean robots, called ...
A study published in PeerJ Life and Environment has uncovered alarming levels of seafood mislabeling and the use of ambiguous ...
When given the choice, people prefer to collaborate on work projects with higher-paid colleagues, but they want to hire ...