-The Creativity & Innovation workshops will explore a new aspect of creativity each block, led by students for students.
AI (artificial intelligence) is an interesting new technology with things you should think about before and while you use it. Also, please check out the Crown Center and Dean's office AI statements.
The Office of the Dean of the Faculty is piloting a program for a taxable grant for qualified short-term dependent care expenses incurred when traveling to present at professional meetings and ...
EURYDICE is based on the Greek myth of Orpheus’s descent into Hades. MacArthur Award-winning playwright Sarah Ruhl reimagines this classic narrative through the eyes of his lost bride, Eurydice. Dying ...
A community can only function if all of its members feel safe, heard, and valued. Throughout the last year, Interim President Manya Whitaker and Cabinet have received feedback from students, faculty, ...
Throughout the year or diverse community celebrates and learns about many cultural and religious observances. This list is not exhaustive and we encourage you to reach out if you would like to see ...
Dr. Ruiz's academic formation has been shaped by interdisciplinary contact between literature, history and art. This contact with other disciplines continues to play an important role in her research ...
The Keller Family Venture Grant Fund supports opportunities for co-curricular, experiential research. Students carry out innovative projects of high merit that benefit both the individual applicant ...
Advisory Board for the Matrix Center for the Advancement of Social Equity and Inclusion, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (October 2014-present) David and Lucile Packard Professor, Department ...
The first time that I felt "seen" while reading literature was in college when I first encountered African American literature, specifically the work of W.E.B. DuBois. In many ways, everything that I ...
For-credit academic offerings during the nine-day half-block give students the opportunity to explore courses outside of their major and requirements or to work closely with professors to delve deeper ...