I would like to seek a judgment (in a general election) after engaging in debate with the opposition. However, I must also ...
Nippon TV Reporter: In reaction to Ishiba Shigeru elected as new ruling party leader, the yen drastically appreciated against ...
Lifelike dinosaurs ran loose in a nighttime event at the Tokyo National Museum on September 26.Models of the giant ...
Maeno Masanori, Nippon TV reporter: The LDP leadership election came down to a runoff between Takaichi Sanae and Ishiba ...
S/ Maeno Masanori, NTV Reporter / A record nine candidates have battled in the longest-ever election campaign period of ...
Japan's Princess Kako met with visiting Greek Tourism Minister Olga Kefalogianni at the Akasaka Estate in Tokyo on ...
Taiwanese authorities lifted import restrictions and now allow all Japanese food products to enter the country.Taiwan ...
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism investigated the Japan Freight Railway Company headquarters ...
秋篠宮殿下的长男・悠仁殿下9月6日迎接18岁生日,成人。 皇室男性39年来第一次迎接18岁。 悠仁殿下在18岁生日之际,第一次公开了自己的感想。 「没想到自己也迎来了成人的年龄,时间过得太快了。 这18年来,衷心感谢大家对我的支持和鼓励,在此深表谢意。」 同时也珍惜已经时日不多的高中生活的点点滴滴。 接下来也希望能透过自己一步一脚印的历程学习更多, 吸收更多,能够逐渐成长」 以作为成年皇室的姿态, ...
Self-Defense Forces are evacuating isolated residents by helicopter on September26 from the area where the road is ...
According to government officials, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer “Sazanami” passed through the Taiwan ...
元日に「能登半島地震」で大きな被害が出た石川県の輪島市や珠洲市、能登町など能登半島北部は、9月21日から23日にかけ、「線状降水帯」による記録的な大雨のため、「大雨特別警報」が出され、河川の氾濫や土砂崩れ、家屋の損壊など甚大な被害が出ました。9月26日現在、 ...