The rise of the Sikh community from relative obscurity to political imperial prominence is a fascinating yet often overlooked story in the West. For students of political science, the Sikh experience ...
Was ramen first introduced to Japan in 1665, 1884, or 1910? Is its precursor a dish known as ūshin udon, Nankin soba, or Shina soba? Depending on the answer, one arrives at a different dish with its ...
Timothy O. Benedict is Assistant Professor in the School of Sociology at Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan. What role does religion play at the end of life in Japan? Spiritual Ends draws on ...
The rise of the Auntie Sewing Squad, a massive mutual-aid network of volunteers who provided free masks in the wake of US government failures during the COVID-19 pandemic. In March 2020, when the US ...
In this essay, UC Berkeley historian and Journal of Vietnamese Studies Co-Editor Peter Zinoman discusses the detention of Trương Huy San (Huy Đức) and his interview with the imprisoned journalist.
Paulina Pospieszna is Associate Professor of Political Science at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. Her research interests include democracy promotion, democratization, and democratic ...
Cancer Intersections is an ethnographic analysis of the complex and paradoxical efforts to access neoliberal, market-based oncological treatments in Colombia, a country where all patients are legally ...
Food, televisions, computer equipment, plumbing supplies, clothing. Much of the material foundation of our everyday lives is produced along the U.S./Mexico border in a world largely hidden from our ...
I first began looking for ways to write about the artists discussed in this book in the late 1990s, a far over a decade ago. The timing matters for a several reasons-a vaguely discernible 20-year ...
Going beyond the how and why of burnout, a former tenured professor combines academic methods and first-person experience to propose new ways for resisting our cultural obsession with work and ...
How can societies that welcome immigrants from around the world create civic cohesion and political community out of ethnic and racial diversity? This thought-provoking book is the first to provide a ...
Visually rich, up-to-date, and authoritative, The Atlas of Global Conservation is a premier resource for everyone concerned about the natural world. Drawing from the best data available, it is an ...