Les projets Ambizione 2024 devront être déposé avant le 1er novembre 2024.
Dans le domaine de la durabilité nous entendons de plus en plus parler de sobriété numérique, notamment depuis l’arrivée de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) générative. Qu’entendez-vous par cela?
M. Donassongui Benjamin SORO, spécialiste en histoire religieuse et sociale à l'Université Alassane Ouattara (UAO) de Bouaké en Côte d'Ivoire, a obtenu une bourse d'Excellence de la Confédération Suis ...
By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. You accept for the main domain ...
Les astronomes savent depuis longtemps que plus une étoile est vieille, moins elle contient de lithium dans sa photosphère. Le Soleil lui-même contient environ 200 fois moins de lithium que lorsqu'il ...
Newly discovered star with the highest lithium content in the Universe. Astronomers have long known that in the realm of Sun-like stars, the older star, the less lithium it contai ...
FONDATION SCHMIEDER BOHRISCH announces an annual Clinical Research Grants competition. This mechanism supports clinical research projects directed by independent principal investigators at Swiss ...
Intidhar obtained a MD from the University of Tunis and trained as a medical oncologist between Tunisia and France before ...
Bachelor of Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics (MB, BCh, BaO) from the National University of Ireland Galway in Ireland ...
In summary, RA is a complex disease influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Early diagnosis, targeted treatment, and ...
Daniel S, Wirapati P, Guedri S, Tille J-C, McKee T, Pittet M, Palmer G and Bourquin C (2024) GSDMD is associated with survival in human breast cancer but does not impact anti-tumor immunity in a mouse ...
The PerPrev-CID (Personalized Disease Prediction and Prevention in Chronic Inflammatory Disorders) consortium aims to create a world-leading research programme that sets new standards for early ...