This weekend, Saturday at 11.15 to be precise, there's a partial solar exclipse - the moon will pass in front of the sun, ...
The two Taylor Swift Concerts in Zurich last summer were worth CHF 90m to the city. Almost 100,000 fans came to the city – ...
Geneva will be the most connected Swiss city to China. The head of Geneva Airport, Gilles Rufenacht, says there’s a new ...
If you want to stay in Basel during the Eurovision Song Contest - it will cost you. The cost of renting an apartment is ...
The annual NIQ GfK Business Reflector is published every year – and for the second year in a row, Twint has come out on top as the most trusted brand. In second place is the crisp maker Zweifel and ...
Tickets for Paléo sold out in 13 minutes yesterday – a new record. That’s 200,000 tickets – or 256 a second. The most popular day was Tuesday, which features Macklemore, Justice, Skunk Anansie and ...