Turkey, Israel and Gaza
Turkish airline Pegasus cancelled its flights to Beirut on Tuesday due to risk assessments on the situation in Lebanon, the ...
They are forcing teenage girls in Turkey to testify in court against their parents and older siblings, a dangerous erosion of ...
Relations between the two NATO allies have worsened in recent years over political rifts regarding the Eastern Mediterranean, ...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan compared Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler on ...
The future of Houston’s Turkey Leg Hut remains unknown after a court appointed trustee filed a motion for Chapter 7 ...
It is time to pass a law banning any aircraft or spare parts to Turkey. The White House no longer deserves the benefit of the doubt.
The U.S. has reportedly proposed a solution to Turkey's S-400 dilemma that would allow Ankara to retain the Russian-made ...
Turkey has mandated banks for the issuance of a 10-year dollar-denominated bond, which will be switched for existing ...
"We don’t have a stocks tax on our agenda," Vice President Cevdet Yilmaz told Bloomberg, including the country's plans that ...