In Pennsylvania on Monday, Trump said, "I don't need Congress, but they will approve it," regarding his proposed tariff plan.
The former president has tried to demonize immigrants and asylum seekers as violent criminals as he seeks reelection.
To honor those who flew more than 496,000 Army medevac missions from May 1962 through March 1973, the House last week passed ...
One day before he’s scheduled to be executed, a Missouri death row inmate could learn whether his fate will change when the ...
If former federal judge Joshua Kindred were to be impeached, it would be historic. Congressional impeachments of federal ...
US First Lady Jill Biden on Monday announced the Pentagon will spend $500 million annually to advance women's health research ...
The papers included research on high-performance explosives and rocket fuels, tracking underwater targets, and coordinated drone operation.
For decades, some political analysts have sought to depict Hispanic Americans as “socially conservative” — and indeed many of ...
As a lifelong Reds fan, it's difficult not to see the parallels between a floundering Major League team and a Congress that habitually struggles to fund the government.
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Space Force selected four companies to develop concepts for smaller, more cost-effective GPS satellites ...
Rep. Jamie Raskin rolled out an effort to counter the Supreme Court's recent decision on presidential immunity.
In Guatemala, members of the Supreme Court and Appeal Court judges are elected every five years. The renewal of the court follows a showdown last year between the judiciary and newly-elected President ...