While Odysseus and Achilles fought for the same cause, they embody two different approaches to ancient Greek heroism.
From the malignant Iago to the murderous Clytemnestra, most literary figures feel personal passion. Trump’s anger seems more ...
One story that incessantly echoes is that of Achilles in the Iliad whose sense of betrayal by his commander, Agamemnon, who ...
In an extraordinary episode featuring the Iliad's central hero Achilles, Homer uses direct narrative to position the eco-warrior. For much of the Iliad, Achilles is effectively on strike ...
As Donald Trump has gained fame and power, his rage at opponents and appetite for vengeance appear to have sharpened. A ...
Legends Untold Nintendo Switch launch trailer for another look at this action RPG set in the mythical world of Homer's Iliad, where you take on the role of Achilles. After the War of Troy, you return ...
The submarine was due to be named HMS Agincourt, but will now follow HMS Agamemnon's lead, being named after a warrior from the Iliad. The UK Royal Navy (RN) has changed the name of the final Astute ...
Achilles: Legends Untold is out now on Nintendo Switch. It is also available on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One. Watch the Achilles: Legends Untold Nintendo Switch launch trailer for ...
The University of Exeter put a trigger warning on two classic pieces of ancient Greek literature, Homer’s “The Iliad” and ...
It would be a shame should Barker choose to stop here, not only for her fans but for anyone who continues to be enthralled by ...