In the United States, drag originated from the Black community in the 1800s when William Dorsey Swann, the first self-proclaimed drag queen, hosted private balls referred to as “drags,” in which ...
Alonzo Davis, the artist and educator who cofounded Los Angeles's storied African American stronghold the Brockman Gallery, ...
In their new show at Pioneer Works in New York, American Artist reflects on Butler’s most famous series of novels and her ...
This month’s films include portraits of the actress Jean Seberg and the director David Lynch, plus one of the year’s Oscar nominees.
WAM has entered into a cultural cooperation agreement with the Italian government over items which were likely removed from ...
Feb. 8: Soul Vegan & Seafood Festival: The ninth annual event celebrates Black History Month through the lens of food, drink, ...
An artist in West Michigan is hosting a collaborative event Thursday evening called the Red Jeans Redemption Project.
Photographer Steven Stanger breaks the rules Door County’s scenery — bucolic farms and grazing cows, sleek sailboats and ...
ATLANTA - Black History Month is a time to honor the achievements, contributions, and resilience of Black Americans, and ...
Dr. Kimberly Williams shares insights on addressing mental health challenges in Black youth, from recognizing early signs to finding culturally competent care ...
Happy February, DC! Take your Valentine to a romantic R&B concert this month, or groove to the beats of local musician Bartees Strange at 9:30 Club. There’s also a ton of author talks, new art ...
Here’s what made these high school seniors sign up for an African American studies course—and what they’ve learned.