Therefore the options are either make real spending reductions, which might mean laying off workers and closing schools, or ...
Devin Saylor recently announced his candidacy for Altoona City Council. Saylor has served on the committees of multiple ...
Mayor Cory Mason last week vetoed a set of procedural changes unanimously approved by the Common Council that would shift the authority to appoint council members to standing committees from the mayor ...
Jon Banks has lived in Glenwood Springs for 30 years and is known for leading the “Keep Glenwood Glenwood” campaign, which ...
Steven Smith has lived in southwest Glenwood Springs for 36 years and has been actively involved in shaping the city’s ...
RESTORE, a Birmingham juvenile re-entry program, is saving and transforming young people’s lives every day. Carrie Buntain, ...
A TIF agreement to help pay for a parking lot at a proposed new tattoo shop on Ridge Street in Alton was tabled at ...
Iceberg Development and Salida Partners combine efforts for 21 S. Linn St. property. It’s one of two proposals going before ...
City Council meeting, Natural Resource subcommittee chair Kristen Mello asked the Council to approve amendments to the city’s ...
City council recognizes the 200th anniversary of the Lafayette Farewell Tour, receives Bicentennial Proclamation, honors ...
The resolution states taxpayer-funded agencies will not comply with federal efforts to strip resources that safeguard rights.