The Australian Greens and The Greens (WA) have today issued a joint call for a seismic blasting moratorium in Western Australian and Commonwealth waters.
The Australian Greens and The Greens (WA) have today issued a joint call for a seismic blasting moratorium in Western Australian and Commonwealth ...
The sperm whale on Cuttyhunk Island was a female measuring 32 feet long and weighing about 11 tons, Hedman said.
In his message, Kehiler warned lobstermen that any entanglements linked to Maine fishing gear could lead to further ...
Biologists found significant blunt-force trauma on the right side of the head of a 3-year-old whale and suspect it was hit by ...
An arctic blast that brought a rare snowfall to northern Florida last week left green sea turtles as far south as St. Augustine suffering from a condition known as cold stunning.
As the future of offshore wind energy remains up in the air, proponents and opponents of offshore wind have found common ...