Carolyn Hinsey praises the badass babes from Beyond the Gates, B&B, DAYS, GH and Y&R — and notes which sad sacks need to grow a backbone.
Women in their 50s and 60s are dominating awards season. Could it be that Hollywood’s obsession with youth is starting to ...
Friedan was the author of the revolutionary “Feminine Mystique” that persuaded women to seek their own identities, and also was co-founder of the National Organization for Women. She was much more ...
Related: Ignite Your Inner Fire With These 125 Empowering Quotes From Some Of The Strongest Women In History Doris Burke, ...
This article is about Menlo Park Resident Rita Mundis, who at age 78 still works as a United Airlines flight attendant. Even ...
Though there were all kinds of forces building, and multiple voices advocating for change, Friedan’s book did seem to break things open. Many consider it a catalyst of second-wave feminism, at least ...
such as Betty Friedan (who had published the influential The Feminine Mystique in 1963). Greer's title refers to Soul on Ice, a book by Black Panther activist Eldridge Cleaver, published in 1968 ...
Inspired by the work of Robin Wood, one of the great film critics of the 20th century, Walter Metz revisits the identity ...
Matrimoine mystique et modernité occidentale dans les arts et les lettres  Manifestation intersites Strasbourg/ Toulouse 2 ...