A traditionalist Catholic bishop whose denial of the Holocaust created a scandal when Pope Benedict XVI rehabilitated him has died ...
Ordained as a bishop by a traditionalist sect, he was excommunicated then reinstated by the Vatican, but was undone by his ...
ROME (AP) — Richard Williamson, an ultra-traditionalist Catholic bishop whose denial of the Holocaust created a scandal in 2009 when Pope Benedict XVI rehabilitated him and other members of his ...
The Jubilee Year of Hope anthem in the Catholic Church of England and Wales is in reggae-pop style from Ooberfuse and the nuns of Walsingham, marking a change ...
In a profound reflection delivered during Sunday’s Angelus prayer, Pope Francis emphasized how Jesus Christ reveals the ultimate criterion by which all history is judged: love. “Whoever loves ...
Kemi Badenoch MP travels to Rome and the Vatican, where she meets the Pope, Chief Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni and visits the Jewish Museum ...