About a year after Joan Didion's death in 2021, the New York Public Library (NYPL) began the process to become the stewards ...
And she’s basically writing an essay that says political campaigning ... We are hopelessly sentimental, even Joan Didion. We are hopelessly tied to the stories that we tell ourselves.
Natalie Busch and Avery Didion have plenty of experience on the flag football field and are looking to grow their games even more. Their experience last season with the Navarre Raiders, coupled with ...
In her 1964 essay “I Can’t Get That Monster Out of My Mind,” Joan Didion wrote, “The American motion-picture industry still represents a kind of mechanical monster, programmed to stifle ...
Joan Didion haunts Los Angeles ... after a period away from it is how well it works,” she wrote in a 1988 essay for the New Yorker about real estate in Hollywood. “The famous freeways work ...
WE TELL OURSELVES STORIES: Joan Didion and the American Dream Machine ... Towards Bethlehem,” her landmark 1968 book of essays. In her senior year at Berkeley, she won an essay contest sponsored ...
Joan Didion, pictured during her L.A. days, was an unabashed fan of Old Hollywood, author Alissa Wilkinson writes in her new book about the famously reserved essayist and author. (Henry Clarke ...
If Joan Didion had an overarching preoccupation as a journalist and novelist, it was to find interstices where truth and myth blend into each other. In many of the essays that were collected in ...
The play is a reminder of what women's lives were like during the Gilded Age and how hard they have fought—and continue to fight—for the freedoms they've won since. Historic gains for women in ...
Wilkinson has contributed essays, features and criticism to such publications ... I felt like a lot of what I’d read was platitudes, and Joan Didion was not interested in platitudes. On top of that, I ...