The World Health Organization speculated that a mass poisoning event was behind the deaths of 60 people. But African experts ...
On Thursday, the World Health Organization (WHO) released their latest report on the worsening outbreak of unknown disease in ...
A mysterious illness has led to 53 fatalities, with many dying within hours of developing symptoms. The outbreak in Central ...
THE East African Community (EAC) has expressed its unwavering solidarity with Tanzania and other key stakeholders following the confirmation of Marburg Virus Disease (MVD) outbreak in Kagera Region.
KAGERA Regional Commissioner Fatma Mwasa has urged journalists to serve as effective ambassadors in educating the public about Marburg Virus Disease (MVD) by focusing on dispelling fears and ...
Over 50 people are dead in the northwest of the Democratic Republic of Congo due to an unknown virus, according to the World ...
BUKOBA: IN efforts to control the spread of Marburg Virus Disease (MVD), radio presenters from 14 stations based in the Lake Zone Regions namely Mwanza, Kigoma, Shinyanga, Kagera, Simiyu and Mara have ...
DODOMA: THE Chairperson of the Tanzania Netball Association (CHANETA), Devotha Marwa, has said that this year’s coaching and refereeing training programme will take place in Dodoma, focusing on Level ...
The Tanzanian government is taking decisive action to combat the resurgence of Marburg virus disease (MVD), implementing ... Various of pedestrians, traffic; Dodoma, Tanzania - Recent 3.
A new animal-borne virus has been discovered in Alabama. But the creature that carries it can be found along parts of the Atlantic seaboard, as far north as southern Saskatchewan, Canada ...