These cuts would rip care away from children, seniors, disabled Californians, and more while raising costs for everyone, all ...
The federal government has just released new poverty guidelines that could affect millions of Americans' access to benefits.
A Republican budget plan that could cut up to $880 billion from Medicaid — the social health care safety net designed for the ...
In the Yakima Valley, health care patients and providers are anticipating reductions in health care access from Medicaid cuts ...
Republicans this week advanced legislation that would require Iowa seek a federal approval to include work requirements as a ...
People who are enrolled under Arizona’s low-income expansion could lose their coverage if federal funding falls below a certain level, according to health care experts.
Christina Martin, an advocacy leader for Louisiana Developmental Disability Council's Advocacy Network, relies on Medicaid ...
BOISE — Idaho lawmakers are considering a new proposal that would dramatically impact the state Medicaid program.
Amid Fur Rondy and Iditarod commotion Anchorage protestors gathered to tell Alaska’s lone representative they don’t approve ...