Open and endoscopic carpal-tunnel releases are commonly used as the definitive treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. This ...
Sterile precautions are observed throughout the procedure. The exposure to radioactivity of the physician and other attendants is small, since all are able to remain at a distance from the ...
The difficulty in this procedure is some variability in the course of the nerve near its prominent landmark, the anterosuperior spine. It is postulated that the limited hip motion, which is ...
Letter writers urge passage of "Death with Dignity" law in NH, suggest GOP tax cuts for the wealthy are driving up local ...
For this reason it would be desirable to develop immunoprophylactic procedures for the prevention of reinfection in older children and adults as well as for the prevention of primary infection ...
a Potts procedure was performed, making subsequent interpretation of the chest roentgenograms unreliable; and a third had the syndrome and hypophosphatasia. None of the 32 patients in the study ...
The wound was disinfected and dressed with a bandage, but months later and the surgeon noticed something was seriously wrong ...
Early experiences of separation and pain affect infants and can be remembered in rudimentary form in some cases. This is ...
A groundbreaking blood test for colorectal cancer screening could reshape early detection. Learn how this FDA-approved method ...
A past case of a surgeon having accidentally "transplanted" a rare type of cancer from a patient into himself during a ...
Symptoms to look out for and when to see a doctor - There are roughly 10,000 people a year diagnosed with bladder cancer in ...