Animation studio Studio Zubio is casting talent for “Bunderkin,” a mystery adventure show aimed at 6–11-year-olds about a band of young misfits living in a post-apocalyptic world who reject ...
A handful of popular animated movie series have improved as they've continued, putting out entertaining and beloved third ...
Universal Pictures has shifted the release dates for Shrek 5 and Minions 3. Shrek 5 will now premiere ... release dates of two highly anticipated animated films. The studio announced that Shrek ...
Universal Pictures and DreamWorks Animation have rescheduled ... Entertainment’s Minions 3 has been bumped up from June 30, 2027, to the previously reserved Shrek 5 slot of Wednesday, July ...
Minions, meanwhile, have had almost their entire run of dominance in the time between the two most recent Shrek movies. They first appeared in Despicable Me and were last seen in 2024’s ...
Voiced by Eddie Murphy, the talkative Donkey served as the sidekick to Shrek (Mike Myers) in the original film and three sequels, the most recent of which was released in 2010. “It’s evident ...
The beloved Palo Alto, Calif., creature — who was the model for Donkey, the iconic character voiced by Eddie Murphy in the animated film Shrek — has died at the ripe old age of 30. Kiratli ...
"I’ve always loved the 'Shrek' movies and the theme felt nostalgic, fun and unexpected," the bride-to-be tells PEOPLE Courtesy of Aileen Garza A bride-to-be had a Shrek-themed bachelorette party.
The Shrek franchise, which released four feature films between 2001 and 2010, has been a massive success for DreamWorks Animation. The original grossed $487million (£380.8m) worldwide and won the ...