The Smithsonian Institution is closing its diversity office and freezing all federal hiring. The decision will affect dozens ...
If your rent is due, that makes all the difference in the world. The Smithsonian Castle Mark Baylor via Wikimedia Commons under CC BY 2.0 You write about Benjamin Franklin and his aphorisms about ...
In addition to the 1,800-year-old piece of engraved jewelry, archaeologists discovered a trove of Carolingian coins, medieval pottery and more Meilan Solly Senior Associate Digital Editor, History ...
Although the vampire hedgehog was recently discovered in the southern Annamites of Vietnam, a specimen of the same animal has been housed in a collection at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural ...
With visual arts, performing arts, and new media, the Portrait Gallery introduces you to the people who have shaped the country—poets, presidents, actors, activists, visionaries, villains...and ...
Donors’ stories give some insights into how different gifts have made a difference. The Smithsonian annual report provides a good summary of the activities for the year and includes many examples of ...
Originally meant to be Walt Disney's apartment when he and his family visited, the Cinderella Castle Suite was never intended to be public. Sadly, Disney died before the suite was finished ...
Humans have studied the stars for thousands of years. To many cultures, stars were the metaphor for constancy, while everything else moved and changed. Modern stellar astronomy showed that stars do ...