Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 2 organizeaza cea de-a VIII-a editie a Concursului Judetean de Recitare "Parfum de Poezie", care va avea loc in data de 8 februarie, de la ora 10, la Teatrul Municipal Traian ...
Observers claim that Sofia barely touched her food because she was so engrossed in her conversation with Lewis. After some friends joined them, the rumoured couple flirted outside the restaurant ...
The Modern Family actress was photographed on what seemed to be a lunch date with F1 driver Lewis Hamilton in New York City this week. Vergara, 52, and Hamilton, 40, braved the cold and met up ...
Sofia Vergara and Lewis Hamilton ignited dating rumors after being seen at a lively lunch in New York City. Their noticeable chemistry and engrossing conversation have led to speculation about a ...
Un atac cu un cuțit a avut loc, joi, la o o școală din Slovacia. O elevă și directorul adjunct al unității au murit, iar o a treia victimă este în stare gravă. Atacatorul, un elev în vârstă de 18 ani, ...
Read more: LA fires show the human cost of climate-driven 'whiplash' between wet and dry extremes When unusually heavy rain meets baked ground that cannot easily absorb it, as it did across much ...
The Oscars have been moved a few times throughout history, including in 1938, when the show was delayed a week ... She is currently working on “Suits LA,” one of the series that stopped ...
Eleva nu a spus nimic nimănui, iar în timpul sarcinii a purtat haine largi. Astfel, colegii si profesorii de la Scoala Gimnaziala 4 Lugoj nici nu au bănuit măcar că ar fi gravidă. „La data de 15 ...
Sofia Vergara and Lewis Hamilton looked very cosy as they headed out for lunch in New York. The Modern Family actress, 52, set off a swirl of romance rumours with the F1 megastar, 40, after they ...
Sofia Vergara și Lewis Hamilton alimentează zvonurile despre o posibilă poveste de dragoste. Cei doi au stârnit curiozitatea fanilor după ce au fost surprinși împreună la un restaurant din New York, ...
Sofia Vergara and Lewis Hamilton shared a flirty lunch date in New York City sparking relationship rumors. They were seen enjoying each other's company and flirting. This follows Sofia's recent ...