Tiger lilies, or lilum lancifolium, are a vibrant perennial flower, destined to inject color into any area of your yard.
The year is racing away, it’s hard to believe we’re already in March, before I know it, we’ll be opening the garden in June ...
Rain garden plants can be used to create a low-maintenance, wildlife-friendly space to deal with runoff after downpours ...
Law’s Tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata)—the ultimate low-maintenance houseplant that’s as stylish as it is tough. Loved for ...
Savor the seasons 2. Be wary of wind 3. Pick blooms wisely 4. Protect privacy 5. Go au naturel 6. Choose the right white 7.
With oversized heart-shaped leaves resembling elephant ears, this tropical beauty is perfect for bringing tropical charm into ...
For a rhubarb patch that’s productive from February right through to August, you’ll also need to add a midseason variety such ...
Grow milkweed (Asclepias) to support monarch butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees while adding color, fragrance, and beauty to ...
March 2025 when the clocks spring forward, giving us all earlier morning light. Plus, the feeling that spring is well and ...