Social media has been abuzz over the past 24 hours as Nigerian singer Oludipe David, popularly known as Spyro, publicly clashed with music executive Ubi Franklin and showbiz mogul Paul Okoye ... – Ada 4 mitos populer tentang hujan yang turun di siang hari yang terik. Sebagian orang percaya bahwa hal ini lebih dari sekedar fenomena alam biasa. Mitos hujan di siang hari ini sudah ...
Sinar matahari terik dan cuaca panas memang paling cocok dilawan dengan minuman dingin menyegarkan. Namun, ada efek negatif minum air dingin saat cuaca panas. Cuaca panas tengah terjadi di sejumlah ...
Olahraga pada siang hari yang terik, panas, dan tidak berangin membuat keringat lebih sulit menguap. Hal ini membuat tubuh tidak dapat mengeluarkan panas dengan efektif setelah melakukan aktivitas ...
The Mediterranean diet continues its reign as a leading choice for healthy eating, earning top honors in U.S. News & World Report’s 2025 Best Diets. This 15th annual edition of the list marks a ...
In a sorry start to 2025, Ubisoft is enjoying a review-bombing campaign on Steam, which has spilt onto social media. Fans are upset that a Microsoft Windows update has made what we believe to be ...
If you were concerned that consoles were dying, you may rest easy, at least for the foreseeable future. PlayStation co-CEO Hideaki Nishino says that, despite the bet on cloud gaming finally ...
WARTAKOTALIVE.COM, BEKASI - Wisata Waterboom Lippo Cikarang, Kabupaten Bekasi ramai pengunjung pada Rabu, 1 Januari 2025. Pantauan, wisata air di Cikarang itu telah ramai didatangi ...
Unknown to many, it is also home to different varieties of yam, locally known as ubi, widely known as ube in other parts of the country, a root crop that grows abundantly in the province.
Mesoblast (ASX:MSB) was the top performer for the year up 835% (as of December 30). On December 18 Mesoblast announced that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had finally approved its therapy ...
Acara ini diikuti oleh Sayat yang merupakan salah satu UMKM binaan BRI yang menghasilkan produk unggulan dari Kabupaten Kubu Raya, Kalimantan Barat, yaitu Keripik Ubi Jalar. Produk tersebut merupakan ...