The below spreadsheet contains a list of all companies registered, at Level 1 and 2, as a supplier to the United Nations Secretariat (UNHQ, Offices Away from Headquarters, Regional Commissions ...
Faced with an impending cash crisis primarily due to non-payment of dues by the US and over 100 other member states– along ...
The United Nations on Wednesday unveiled an initiative to operate more efficiently as it grapples with funding shortages made ...
The UN Secretariat, as most other UN system organizations, uses the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) as its platform for vendor registration. Vendors may select the level of registration ...
In the “Pact for the Future”, adopted by consensus by the United Nations General Assembly last September, Member States came together to recognize these challenges and to agree on a series of ...
A conference on a UN treaty banning nuclear weapons is taking place without any NATO members attending as observers.
TASS/. The United Nations Secretariat is not too active in investigating the facts of oil purchases from terrorist organizations, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said after talks with his ...