In the ancient town of Ouidah, located in southern Benin, the annual Voodoo Festival unfolds with a vibrant mix of dance, ...
World Cafe correspondent John Morrison breaks down why the musician's sophomore album was a monumental moment in neo-soul and R&B.
As children dance with great speed and energy in colorful robes, guided by the drumbeats and chants from dance troupes, the ...
Is Santeria witchcraft? Discover the origins, rituals, and cultural significance of Santeria, and why it's often misunderstood as witchcraft.
Voodoo Festival in Ouidah, Benin, offers a vibrant spectacle featuring voodoo rituals, ceremonies, and performances. Practitioners emphasize voodoo's spiritual essence, dispelling misconceptions about ...
Clad in white and pink, Deborah Bossou, 25, blends vibrant song with dance as she immerses herself with fellow practitioners ...