The landmark Brandenburg Gate in Berlin was lit up after sunset on Monday to commemorate the victims of Auschwitz, 80 years ...
Berlin, Germany – When David Bowie’s Glass Spider Tour arrived in West Berlin on June 6, 1987, the city was the world’s de ...
For the first time since the 1990s, the US has reestablished a direct military presence in Scotland. As Washington builds up ...
Regions of Germany that were under Roman rule approximately 2,000 years ago exhibit higher levels of psychological well-being ...
If you didn’t already have FOMO for Berlin in the 1990s, then visiting Dream On — Berlin, the 90s , the retrospective at CO Berlin showcasing a textbook archive by East German photography agency ...
But these assumptions are shattered by the appearance of the Mule, a mutant with extraordinary powers and millions of devoted ...
THE FALL OF THE WALL The fall of the Berlin Wall, on November 9th 1989, marked one of the most significant events of the 20th century, symbolizing the end of the Cold War and the division of Germany ...
Westend61 / Getty Images A Chinese Wall is an ethical concept of separation between groups, departments, or individuals within the same organization—a virtual barrier that prohibits ...
It was only after the Berlin Wall fell in November 1989, symbolizing the looming end of the Cold War that year and opening up the possibility for German unification, that Merkel entered politics.
It was only after the Berlin Wall fell in November 1989, symbolizing the looming end of the Cold War that year and opening up the possibility for German unification, that Merkel entered politics. As a ...
In his essay "The End of History?", published as the Berlin Wall fell, Fukuyama argued that the ideologies of the 20th century – fascism, nationalism, communism – had "lost the battle of ideas".
The error of their mythology about 1989 matters because we face another such moment of historical rupture today.