Between a camel-colored Ralph Lauren suit and a Dolce & Gabbana tuxedo, Melania Trump has been sporting a lot of menswear ...
Earlier this week, First Lady Melania Trump strode into the U.S. Capitol on a mission. She was there to lobby for a new online safety bill aimed at protecting children from revenge porn.
As a former model and two-time first lady, Melania Trump knows clothes matter - and she’s using them to semaphore a slew of messages, some more subtle than others Melania has studiously avoided ...
As a former model and two-time first lady, Melania Trump knows clothes matter - and she’s using them to semaphore a slew of messages, some more subtle than others Melania has studiously avoided ...
par la maire Régine Michaut a déclenché une mobilisation vent debout contre l’éolien de la part de l’Adim. Grandes pancartes aux différentes entrées de la commune, panneaux placardés ...
Régine Beauboeuf encourage les femmes à l’excellence. Elle se dit aussi disposée à les aider à s’épanouir dans leurs carrières. PHOTO : Gracieuseté Nous les femmes, nous la minorité ...
Despite the controversy surrounding Oscar de la Renta's affiliation to the Republicans through styling Ivanka Trump and Usha Vance back in January, the First Daughter continues to drape herself in ...
Régine Biscoe Lee, more than a month after a board search committee formally recommended her. Biscoe Lee still has to accept the job offer. In response to questions posed by the Pacific Daily ...
Je survivrai, la version de Régine du célèbre titre de Gloria Gaynor, I will survive, connaît un regain de popularité grâce à la série Bref, dont la saison 2 est actuellement diffusée sur ...
Still, Melania reportedly remains committed to her marriage and is “really good at balancing her husband,” her official photographer, Régine Mahaux, told Hello! Magazine earlier this month.