A tailored cocktail of genes can reprogram a subset of progenitors to no longer produce glial cells and instead develop into neurons involved in motor control.
This study presents valuable findings from an observational dataset in a riverine ecosystem about the effects of genetic and species diversity, across multiple trophic levels, on ecosystem functions.
Here, we show that the timing of blastomere polarization at the 8-cell stage is asynchronous, and that the heterogeneity between the blastomeres at the 4-cell stage influences cell fate specification ...
The raw mass spectrometry data was deposited in the PRIDE repository:Project Name: Spatially restricted proteomics reveals dynamic changes in the caveolin-1 interactome in response to increased membra ...
However, there is a lack of knowledge about how externally applied currents affect neuronal spiking activity in cerebellar circuits in vivo. We investigated how Cb-tDCS affects the firing rate of ...
Computational principles shed light on why movement is preceded by preparatory activity within the neural networks that control muscles.
Glycans play an important role in modulating the interactions between natural killer cells and antibodies to fight pathogens and harmful cells.
Open annotations (there are currently 0 annotations on this page). Back in January 2023, we switched to a new way of publishing research. Since then we’ve reached more than 10,000 submissions, so ...
Dementia Research Institute, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Hadyn Ellis Building, Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ, UK Neuroscience and Mental Health Innovation Institute, School of Medicine, ...
Hunan Engineering Technology Research Center of Featured Aquatic Resources Utilization, Fisheries College, Hunan Agricultural University Changsha, Hunan, 410128, China State Key Laboratory of ...
Layer (L)1, beside receiving massive cortico-cortical, commissural and associational projections, is the termination zone of tufted dendrites of pyramidal neurons and the area of Ca 2+ spike ...
Value-based decision-making is regulated by a delicate interplay of instrumental and Pavlovian controllers. Here we assessed the role of catecholamines in this interplay. We investigated the effects ...