On 9 September, Bugesera Airport Co (BAC), which is owned by state-owned Qatar Airways and by the Rwandan government, officially awarded the contract for the new Bugesera airport, located 50km south ...
A lavish birthday party thrown for Boko's daughter in the United States last month ruffled feathers among Talon's entourage, which in recent weeks has started looking into the finances of the ...
The Cameroonian head of state has instructed his presidential guard to look into a vast fraud case, in which the names of high ranking military officers and members of the presidential security ...
On 17 September, the Chadian government suffered a major setback before the Paris Court of Appeal in its dispute with the telecoms company N-Soft (AI, 16/08/22) when judges overturned a ruling handed ...
Several embassies that covered Eritrea from the Sudanese capital have had to take refuge in Ethiopia since the start of the civil war more than a year ago. But the historical rivalry and growing ...
Brother in law of Tunisia's ambassador to Paris, Bousnina Mongi, Fethi Houidi has just been fired from his job as president of ERTT (Etablissement de la Radiodifusion et de la Television Tunisienne) ...
One of the protagonists in the affair of fake Bahrein dinars, Hicham Mandari has been behind bars at the Sante prison in Paris since last September on charges of trying to extort funds from the ...
MAROCINVEST FINANCE GROUP has just started up business as a new investment consultant. It has a registered venture/development capital of $20 million. Its shareholders include the World Bank affiliate ...
The dynamic leader of the Genuine Leather Craft Plc company was elected chairman of the Ethiopian Private Industrialist Association (EPIA) on November 20. Teshome Kebede had already been serving in ...
The minister, who is close to Russia, seems to be falling out of favour with President Touadéra. Earlier this month, he was prevented from leaving the country to receive medical treatment. Livestock ...
The president's crusade against organisations that receive foreign funding led to the arrest of the secretary general of the Tunisian Financial Analysis Committee and the seizure of foreign data from ...
Hydraulics specialist Envex is to rehabilitate the Les Dunes and Bousfer sea water desalination plants in Oran, two of the seven sited in the wilaya. The Oran water resources department awarded it the ...