Feeder and live cattle futures turned higher on Thursday, as technical trading, a steady cash market and weakness in grain ...
A sharp fall in the quality of France's wheat crop due to excess rain will lead to additional costs for starch makers just as ...
China's agriculture ministry said on Thursday it would stabilize beef and dairy production, shore up consumption and assist ...
Chicago soybeans touched a new two-month peak before ending lower on Tuesday, amid questions over export demand and ...
Glacier FarmMedia | MarketsFarm – Saskatchewan’s harvest only advanced five points during the week ended Sept. 23 due to ...
Feed grain prices on the Prairies stayed relatively steady for the week ended Sept. 25 as low cattle numbers in feedlots and ...
China has launched an anti-discriminatory investigation against restrictive measures taken by Canada including additional ...
Lactalis, the world’s largest dairy company, is to reduce the volume of milk it processes in France, a move it said is aimed ...
Glacier FarmMedia | MarketsFarm — Precipitation varied across Manitoba during the week ended Sept. 22 with some areas ...
Grain Workers Union Local 333 issued a 72-hour strike notice to terminal operators represented by the Vancouver Terminal ...
Canadian wheat ending stocks for the 2024-25 marketing year are forecast to be well above earlier expectations, says AAFC.
The turnaround in canola futures on the Intercontinental Exchange indicates canola traders are ignoring issues with China and ...