今天在梵蒂冈举行的新闻发布会上宣布了教宗方济各(Pope Francis)选择的福音经文,同时也展示了活动的标志。这标志着普世青年节重返亚洲,将来自世界各地的年轻人与教宗聚集在一起,距离 1995 年在马尼拉举行的普世青年节已有 30 多年。
The theme and logo were presented at a press briefing today in the Vatican in the presence of the archbishop of the South ...
今年年初,当地政府拒绝为德尔莫特续签工作签证。9月14日,该摄影记者试图以游客身份返回香港,但在被拒绝入境几小时后被送回法国,而且没有任何解释。美联社告诉当地报纸 《Hong Kong Free Press》 ...
Led by Archbishop Oswald Gracias, the initiative at Holy Name High School in Colaba is linked to the Prime Minister Modi’s ...
教宗在最近访问亚洲和大洋洲期间与印尼雅加达的耶稣会弟兄交谈时说过,今天由《天主教文明》:“我呼吁释放昂山素姬,并在罗马接见了她的儿子。我向梵蒂冈提出在我们的领土上接待她。” ...
Hong Kong authorities had previously denied a work permit to Louise Delmotte, a French photographer working for the ...
Presentati in una conferenza stampa tenuta oggi in Vaticano alla presenza dell'arcivescovo della capitale coreana. Il 24 ...
Presentato insieme al logo in una conferenza stampa tenuta oggi in Vaticano alla presenza dell'arcivescovo della capitale ...
Israel fighter planes have hit uninhabited as well as civilian targets, all treated as ammunition depots or Hezbollah launch ...
In a conversation with Jesuits that took place in Jakarta and was published today by ‘La Civiltà Cattolica’, the pontiff - ...
A Louise Delmotte, fotografa di nazionalità francese, impiegata di Associated Press, le autorità locali avevano già negato il ...