Michael John Herbet Scallan (b 6 September 1943; q1967 Cape Town), died from pneumonia and complications of Parkinson’s disease on 19 April 2024 Michael Scallan was sailing his first ocean passage on ...
Figures showing that an “appalling” 15% of households have someone who is taking time off work because of mental ill health reinforce the need for a new UK standard for workplace mental health, say ...
Amber Bennett-Weston and colleagues argue that greater patient involvement would benefit both patients and doctors Historically, patients were “wheeled in” to lecture theatres, often without consent, ...
Drug companies gave €110m (£92m; €123m) to patient organisations in Europe in 2022, an analysis of financial disclosures has found, with the vast majority concentrated in a few countries. Investigate ...
The journal Drug Safety has retracted a post-marketing safety study of Covaxin, India’s first homegrown covid-19 vaccine,1 which has been causing heated debate across India and the world.2 The ...
Politicians throughout Europe are gambling on the next pandemic not happening for the next five years and as result are failing to invest in preparedness, warns a doctor in charge of protecting 500 ...
This image shows mottled blue-grey hyperpigmentation on the legs of a woman in her late 50s with a history of systemic lupus erythematosus (fig 1). Her daily drug regimen included hydroxychloroquine, ...
Data from the 1946, 1958, and 1970 British birth cohort studies refute the notion that only children are disadvantaged in comparison to people who have siblings—at least as far as health in middle age ...
Maternity units should no longer pre-prepare oxytocin infusions on labour wards or in theatres because of the risk of overdose if accidentally given at the wrong time, an NHS safety alert has warned.
The US has seen a fivefold increase in the incidence of whooping cough cases this year from last year, shows preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).1 A total of ...
Tom Nolan reviews this week’s research Before 2011, when checkpoint inhibitor treatments became available, the median survival for people with advanced melanoma was 11 months. The final results of the ...
A “remarkable” 4 year old boy with severe brain malformation is still alive more than four months after life sustaining ventilation was withdrawn by court order, and he is living at home with his ...