Yes really The Wall Street Journal has claimed that Qualcomm "made a takeover approach" to Intel, which has a market value of ...
More AI standard Graphics processing units so far have dominated the bulk of training and running large-scale AI models, but ...
Gives soldiers live data feeds Tech wunderkind Palmer Luckey, who flogged Oculus to Meta for a tidy $2 billion, is now back ...
The UK is being cheated out of cheap green power because the National Grid says its ageing computer systems and an outdated ...
Own emails give a clue In the latest episode of "Google vs. The World," government lawyers have unearthed some juicy tidbits ...
A stealth product in the works Sir Jony Ive, the man who designed most of Apple’s gear, has confirmed that he is working on a ...
Flouts court order Elon [look at me] Musk’s X has been bypassing a Brazil judge’s court order making it likely that the ...
We are not that broke yet While Chipzilla is talking about flogging off its family silver and spinning off bits of itself, it ...
We don't need no Apple While the Tame Apple Press has rushed to write Qualcomm off as Jobs’ Mob prepares to end its long-term ...
Power efficiency is more important While simultaneous multi-threading (hyperthreading) has been one of Intel’s killer ...
It is not as if users ever turn their machines on Fruity cargo cult Apple has shipped its latest macOS 15, or Sequoia, with a ...
Give us all your money Fruity cargo cult Apple has jacked up the price of its out-of-warranty battery replacement fee for ...