Marcus Aurelius Rufinus was a veteran who was probably stationed on the island of Andros for a long time. He dedicated the only known inscription on the island to Mithras, where he claims to have ...
Both of them were discovered in 1609 in the foundations of the façade of the church of San Pietro, Rome. M(atri) d(eum) m(agnae) I(deae) / et Attidi meno/tyranno ...
Pseudo-Plutarch, De fluviis. Goodwin, Ed. Plutarch. Plutarch’s Morals. Translated from the Greek by several hands. Corrected and revised by. William W. Goodwin, PH. D. Boston. Little, Brown, and ...
Ambrosiaster (Ps Augustine), Quaest. vet. nov. test. 114.11 ...
Acta diurna is our Mithraic social stream for keeping up to date with what is happening in The New Mithraeum.
The Nag Hammadi, Hermetic document, The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth. Probably dating to the third century or earlier, this text appears to be an initiation rite into visionary journey: The ...
Daily Gazette Acta diurna is our Mithraic social stream for keeping up to date with what is happening in The New Mithraeum.