Figuring out what finances could be available to you when going to university can be confusing. Let us help you make it easy with a step-by-step guide to understanding loans, bursaries and ...
Still thinking about applying to university? Join us for expert guidance on crafting a standout personal statement. By the end of this webinar you will know: what to include in your personal statement ...
In this session, we will provide top tips on how to get prepared for your applicant day including: what's not to be missed, key questions to ask on the day and how it will be different to an open day.
If your research interests fall outside these areas, don’t hesitate to contact one of our academics (see the research group list below). We’re open to discussing new ideas and helping design a project ...
UEA Law School is one of the top law schools in the United Kingdom. We want your research to make a real difference. Our inspiring postgraduate researchers are part of a vibrant research community.
The School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing is one of the top ten English research units in the U.K. (as confirmed by the 2014 Research Excellence Framework). Undertaking postgraduate ...
We are a top tier, research-led university and are committed to making a substantial impact on the global challenges facing society. Our postgraduate researchers have opportunities to work at the ...
Last year recorded the highest temperature in any year since 1850, and it will be the eleventh year in succession in the HadCRUT data series that has equalled or exceeded 1.0°C above the ...
A large and diverse range of bacterial proteins known as cytochromes contain closely packed hemes arranged in chains or clusters. These multiheme cytochromes function in the cell as biomolecular wires ...
Marine ecosystems play a key role in regulating the Earth's climate and live largely at the ocean’s surface. Their activities are regulated through environmental conditions and mortality processes ...