Synopsis: The film focuses on Mufasa’s (voiced by Pierre) childhood and the origins of the Pride Lands. As a young and lost cub, Mufasa meets the sympathetic lion Taka (voiced by Harrison). Together, ...
Mufasa: The Lion King told a powerful story, but its own characters acknowledged that other stories, like Simba's Pride, ...
‘Mufasa: The Lion King’ is a 2024 musical drama film directed by Barry Jenkins from a screenplay written by Jeff Nathanson is ...
Though there isn't an "Avatar"-level smash hit at the holiday box office this year, there are several films that are getting ...
Blue wants to follow in her parents’ footsteps as the daughter of Beyoncé and Jay Z and she’s reportedly taking the job very seriously. “This performance was very important to her. She didn’t want to ...
Mufasa’ songwriter Lin-Manuel Miranda interview: working with "great storyteller" Barry Jenkins & why EGOT isn't everything ...
President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia told the Azerbaijani leader, Ilham Aliyev, in a phone call, “that the tragic incident took place in Russian airspace.” By Anatoly Kurmanaev Flight ...
The Israeli military said the hospital was being used as a command centre for Hamas military operations. Middle Eastcategory Iran says 2025 'important year' for nuclear issue 3:57 PM UTC Middle ...
There have been 28 incidents of shooting, out of which 16 were carried out by organised criminal groups during the... The SJB alleges that the government has launched a campaign to politicise the ...
Has Russia’s Shadow Fleet, Built to Evade Sanctions, Engaged in Sabotage? Russia has assembled a fleet of hundreds of vessels to covertly ship its oil. The idea of using some to cause havoc may ...
The president-elect made the announcement on Truth Social on Sunday. ABC News’ MaryAlice Parks discusses President Joe Biden's invitation for President-elect Donald Trump to visit the White ...
It is Christmas Eve and we have passed the winter solstice, which means we are receiving a wee bit more daylight each day. It may be a bit unnoticeable unless you get up early and clouds are not ...