As Valentines Day approaches, astrology offers insights into how different zodiac signs will experience love and romance.
Aquarius is one of the zodiac’s fixed signs, which means you don’t change your ways often. This year, however, you must learn ...
Venus, the planet of love, is moving into Aries during the most romantic month of the year, stirring up some serious vibes for all zodiac signs.
What's a good love story without some hurdles? Venus in Aries will leave the zodiac signs with clarity on what is real and ...
Looking for different ways to please your significant other this Valentine's Day season? Take a peek at our astrology guide to the city.
Relationships and values take on a bold and passionate quality when Venus is in Aries, as this transit encourages us to fight ...
Romance brings love on fire. Burning fast and bright like wildfire, this Aries Venus transit makes us eager to rush all in.
On Feb. 6, 1954, during halftime at a home basketball game against the University of Wyoming, former Colorado State ...
Astrologer Alexandria Lettman reveals what the stars have in store for every zodiac sign's horoscope on Tuesday, February 4, ...
At the beginning of the month, the two benefics, Venus and Jupiter, make shifts that will light up our creativity and freedom ...
Teen Vogue astrologer offers a monthly tarot card reading, pulling cards for each zodiac sign.