The men’s final lasted 32 minutes, with Walters posting scores of 11-6, 11-3, 11-5 against Burrowes to win his first All ...
Manchester United Christian Eriksen ne alamu ke nuna yiwuwar zai raba gari da ƙungiyar a ƙarshen kaka, amma babu tabbacin ko ...
Lishi Lavie-Miran - wadda mata ce ga Omri Miram, mutumin da aka É—auke a yankin Nahal Oz a ranar 7 ga watan Oktoba - ta faÉ—a ...
An samu wata fashewa a ɗaya daga cikin manyan layin bututu man Najeriya, da ke garin Bodo na ƙaramar hukumar Gokana da ke jihar Rivers.
The Gauteng government has had a decade to sort out a deadly dispute between rival Soweto taxi associations Nanduwe and Wata. A recent court judgment highlights how its failures kicked off the latest ...
Kakakin fadar Kremlin ta shugaban Rasha Dmitry Peskov ya fada a ranar Juma’a cewa akwai bukatar yin taka tsantsan ga shawarar ...
The dispute between the Nancefield-Dube West Taxi Association (NANDUWE) and the Witwatersrand Taxi Association (WATA) has ...
Jami'an Amurka da na Ukraine sun isa Saudiyya domin fara tattauna yarjejeniyar zaman lafiya tsakanin Rasha da Ukraine.
Police remained on high alert in Soweto on Tuesday amid an ongoing feud between rival taxi associations Wata and Nanduwe.
The association is embroiled in tensions with the Witwatersrand African Taxi Association over routes in Mofolo.
This has yielded massive price variations that are proving a challenge to both patients and medical personnel. David Wata, an oncology pharmacist at Kenyatta National Referral Hospital (KNH), says ...