Welcome to maple park. You are invited to visit and worship with us wherever you find yourself today on your spiritual journey. We seek to go with Jesus on His disciple-making mission. We …
Welcome to Maple Park Church’s website. We are striving to be a welcoming church for all people. I hope you will find information here which will help as you consider visiting us. …
Welcome to maple park. You are invited to visit and worship with us wherever you find yourself today on your spiritual journey. We seek to go with Jesus on His disciple-making mission. We …
Want to join a Friday 10:00-11:30 AM weekly Bible Study at Maple Park Church? We will meet in the Church Conference Room (In the green house). The topic is: Survey of Old Testament Books. Sign up at the Welcome Center in the lobby, or contact Paul McClintock, 206-696-0689.
Please feel free to contact a pastor and or staff member if you have any question about the ministry at Maple Park Church. Pastor Adam Jensen Pastor Adam has been serving Maple …
We are a member congregation of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren, which is a Bible-believing association of congregations trusting God’s promise of eternal life in Jesus Christ. We believe …